Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Interesting T - SQL Queries (T - SQL Interview Questions)

Question 1
Write a single DML statement to replace 0 with 1 & 1 with 0?

create table #temp

(nm varchar(10),

id int)

insert into #temp values

('one', 1), ('zero', 0), ('one', 1), ('zero', 0), ('one', 1),

('zero', 0), ('one', 1), ('zero', 0), ('one', 1), ('zero', 0)

select * from #temp

update #temp

set id = case when id = 1 then 0

when id = 0 then 1


select * from #temp

Question 2
Write a Query to get maximum 3rd salaried employee
create table #emp

(empid int,

empsal money)

insert into #emp values(1, 25000), (2, 30000), (3, 15000), (4, 40000), (5, 22000) ,(6, 18000)

select * from #emp order by empsal desc

--using top keyword
select top 1 * from

select top 3 * from #emp

order by empsal desc


order by empsal asc

--using ranking function
select empid, empsal

select empid, empsal, RANK() over (order by empsal desc) rnk

from #emp


where a.rnk = 3

--using corelated subquery
select *

from #emp e1

where (3-1) = (select COUNT(distinct (e2.empsal)) from #emp e2 where e2.empsal > e1.empsal)

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